House debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Statements by Members

Adelaide Fringe Festival

1:40 pm

Photo of Steve GeorganasSteve Georganas (Adelaide, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Today I'm delighted to talk about the tremendous results released this week in the Adelaide Fringe Festival's Adelaide Fringe 2024 impactreport. As most people know, The Fringe is held in Adelaide every year. The Fringe has played a pivotal role in the cultural and economic identity of South Australia since its inception. The impact report highlights remarkable milestones for the 2024 festival, with the Fringe having been held between February and March over the past decade.

The Fringe has enjoyed extraordinary growth and impact and is solidifying its status as a world-leading arts festival. The impact report states that it has had a total economic impact of $149 million, doubling 2014's $66.3 million. There has been $121 million in new money brought to South Australia in this year alone, compared to $18 million in 2014. There were 13,553 jobs created, which is a sevenfold increase from 2014. We had 306,318 visitor nights, up from 61,000 in 2014. That's a fivefold increase. The wellbeing value is $52 million.

I also want to take this opportunity to congratulate Heather Croall, who has served as Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Adelaide Fringe Festival since 2015. For those members of this House who haven't been to the Fringe Festival, I invite you to come along to next year's. It is a great event and a fantastic opportunity, and it showcases events and artists from all over the world.