House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

  • Women's Health (1 speech)
    I've previously used my time in this place to discuss inequities in relation to women's health and, in particular, the intersectional health inequities for women who live in the regions. Women...
  • Social Cohesion (1 speech)
    I rise this evening in this grievance debate to talk about the current state of our national conversation here in Australia and the fact that it seems to be broken. I rise to talk about social...
  • Leichhardt Electorate: Cape York Peninsula (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to address a matter of great significance for the people of Far North Queensland, the proposed UNESCO World Heritage listing of the Cape York Peninsula region. Queensland state and...
  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    I am aggrieved at the confected outrage, the absurd criticism and the mindless negativity we see from those opposite towards the Albanese Labor government. They like to carp and moan and accuse...
  • Middle East, Environment, First Nations Australians (1 speech)
    I'd like to touch on a few things this evening that are of concern to me. I might just comment on the member for Canberra's contribution a little while ago. It was quite a thoughtful...
  • Head and Neck Cancer, Health Care (2 speeches)
    This month, July, is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month, and today I want to tell about my own very recent and real journey, about my large oral tumour, which, thankfully, was discovered and...