House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Statements by Members

National Disability Insurance Scheme

1:40 pm

Jodie Belyea (Dunkley, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

As a former disability support worker, I remember the days when the NDIS didn't exist for people with disabilities. I can tell you that the NDIS has literally changed lives, giving choice, independence and control back to people with disabilities. When I was running for parliament, I heard time and time again from mothers, fathers and carers just how important the NDIS is to everyday survival. My husband works in the disability sector, and I have a stepdaughter with a disability. I talk about the value of the NDIS within our family and the importance of the reforms in place to ensure that those in need receive the funding they need to get the support they need. I know that, like Medicare, it is an essential safety net, and I will always fight for the NDIS.

People with disabilities can trust this Labor government to protect people with disability and reform the NDIS to be even better. The government is doing a lot of work to make the NDIS better and more sustainable after nine years of neglect by the former Liberal government. An extra $468 million in this year's budget will get the NDIS back on track. Importantly, $213 million will fight fraud and stop unscrupulous providers. This is on top of the $732 million provided in last year's budget. Thank you for getting NDIS back on track.