House debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Statements by Members

Bird, Ms Olivia

1:44 pm

Photo of Gordon ReidGordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Today, I would like to rise to recognise a magnificent young girl and brave hero during an emergency in my electorate of Robertson: Ms Olivia Bird. Olivia came to the rescue of Ms Diana Johnston, who suffered a fall on 15 May. Early on that morning, Ms Johnston tripped on her driveway as she was leaving the house. Ms Johnston was badly injured, spraining, bruising and lacerating different parts of her body. She was unconscious, lying on her driveway in the cold while others passed her by. Luckily, though, young Olivia saw her from next door and quickly ran to her aid, calling out for her parents to help. While Olivia's parents attended to Ms Johnston, she reassured her that she would be okay, saying that she would look after her until the ambulance arrived. Olivia was by Ms Johnston's side the whole time, being a calm voice and a very, very brave person.

I am pleased to say that Ms Johnston was eventually discharged from hospital 15 days later. Ms Johnston believes that if it were not for Olivia's quick thinking and selflessness, she would have been in more pain and suffered more serious injuries. Thank you to Olivia for being a true hero of the Central Coast and, indeed, Australia.