House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

  • Early Childhood Education and Care (1 speech)
    The influence of early childhood education and care cannot be overstated. It's transformational. Children who receive high-quality education in their earliest years do better in school and at...
  • Perth Electorate: Community Events, Perth Electorate: Albanese Government, Beaufort Street Books (1 speech)
    I see my job in this place as being taking my community's local values, coming here and delivering national results for them. That's why over recent months I've been hosting 'Parliament in the...
  • Hughes Electorate: Cricket, Koalas (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about two national icons within my electorate of Hughes. The first is cricket, our national sport. As a self-confessed cricket tragic, last Sunday it was a privilege for me to...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    This week, so much of the Albanese Labor government's cost-of-living measures have come into effect, from 1 July. This is really important right across the country, particularly in my region, on...
  • Mudgeeraba Agricultural Show (1 speech)
    The 94th Mudgeeraba Agricultural Show was held last weekend, on 29 and 30 June. The Mudgeeraba show is a very traditional agriculture show where you would find everything that you would expect...
  • Lynham, Mr Eamon George, Lilley Volunteers Awards (1 speech)
    I rise to pay my respects and acknowledge the passing of Eamon George Lynham, the youngest of the four sons of Dr Anthony Lynham, former state member for Stafford, and his wife, Pam. The...
  • King's Birthday Honours (1 speech)
    It's a pleasure to rise today to recognise two local recipients in the recent King's Birthday Honours list. Ken Gourlay was awarded an Order of Australia for service to sailing, and he certainly...
  • International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica (1 speech)
    On 11 July this year, the 29th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide will be marked. This day is always hardest and heaviest for Bosnians, as it represents one of the darkest chapters in modern...
  • Wright Electorate: War Memorials (1 speech)
    Today I stand to condemn, in the strongest terms, the antisemitic vandalism and graffiti which defaced the Vietnam war memorial and the Korean War Memorial on Anzac Parade in our nation's capital...
  • National Refugee Week (2 speeches)
    Today I would like to talk about the celebration of National Refugee Week across our nation. As it passes this year, we should reflect on the contribution of the nearly one million refugees...