House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Statements by Members


1:40 pm

Photo of David SmithDavid Smith (Bean, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

This week, a primary school teacher in Bean going to work at Theodore Primary School in Tuggeranong is coming home with more money in their back pocket. All up, they'll save some $1,800 across this year. An electrician working on construction sites in Phillip earning $110,000 will save more than $2,400 a year. That's because, this week, every Australian taxpayer got a tax cut. But that's not the only change that's occurred this week. This week, full-time national minimum wage earners in Australia will see their base pay increase by over $1,700 for this year. Some 2.6 million workers across the country will directly benefit from this increase. As someone that used to be involved in wage case submissions and enterprise bargaining, I know the difference it makes when you have a government that supports fair pay, rather than one that deliberately undermines pay and conditions for Australian workers and their families.

Under this Albanese Labor government, more people are working, more people are earning more and more people will keep more of what they earn.