House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Statements by Members

Nicholls Electorate: Sport

1:50 pm

Photo of Sam BirrellSam Birrell (Nicholls, National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I am on a mission. My mission is to train with all 44 football and netball clubs in my electorate of Nicholls, and I'm well on the way. From the Tigers in Rochester to the Pigeons in Yarrawonga, the Lions in Seymour and the Swans in Avenel, football and netball clubs bring communities together. They put their arms around families when tragedy strikes, and they pitch in when disasters happen. They also tackle issues together, like the scourge of violence against women, mental health and suicide.

Why am I training with these clubs? It's an opportunity to connect with and hear from hard-working regional Australians and talk about the industries that sustain them and the government policies that either support them or threaten them. I also want to draw attention to the need for all levels of government to assist with change room facilities that are appropriate for all abilities, ages and genders. Too often young women are changing in car parks or substandard facilities.

Football and netball clubs are playing an amazing role in bringing families and communities together. We have an obligation to help make them places where people want to come and play. In recent weeks I've trained with Yarroweyah, Strathmerton and Katunga. If anyone in Australia wants to be inspired, they need look no further than these fine communities and their amazingly supportive football and netball clubs.