House debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Statements by Members

Invictus Australia

1:55 pm

Photo of Louise Miller-FrostLouise Miller-Frost (Boothby, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

On the weekend, along with a hundred veterans and their families, I attended the Invictus Australia open day at the Veteran Wellbeing Centre at repat hospital. Invictus Australia supports veterans and their families through the power of sport to assist in recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.

I met Liz, who told me how completely addictive pickleball is and how it's got her out of the house. She's now playing three times a week, and it has had a huge impact on her fitness, mobility and strength. I met Brad and his OPK9 dog Bunji, who put his paw up and shook my hand, and Brad talked about the therapeutic benefit of service dogs. He takes Bunji along to a number of support organisations, where Bunji engages with the other veterans. I met Emma from parkrun and heard about the partnership between Invictus and parkrun, and I was given an Invictus T-shirt, which I promise to wear to a future parkrun. And I watched a seated volleyball game, a remarkably fast and active game. A number of other support agencies were present, including Hayley from Defence Kidz, Kookaburra Kids, Soldier On, Open Doors and Legacy.

We owe our veterans and serving personnel a debt of gratitude, and it's important that our support for them doesn't end when they come home. Thank you for your service.