House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Constituency Statements

Lyons Electorate: Volunteers

4:08 pm

Photo of Brian MitchellBrian Mitchell (Lyons, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Volunteers are the beating heart of our communities. Whether it's community outreach, environmental causes or education, there is a place where a volunteer's unique skills and interests can flourish for the betterment of the community. It's a rewarding experience, and I'd like to use these few minutes to mention some of the wonderful volunteers in my electorate.

First and foremost, I'd like to pay my respects to Barbara Morley, who I was very saddened to hear had died last week. Barbara's dedication over many decades to the Magra Country Women's Association and to the community will be greatly missed. My staff and I will particularly miss receiving her handwritten invitations on the lovely floral stationery that she always used, and the Magra CWA AGM will still, of course, have incredible spreads to enjoy, but with one less treat at the table.

Jo Saunderson of the Perth Community Progress Association hosts a monthly 'scone time' at her house as an opportunity for the community to get together and socialise, having her wonderful homemade scones. Jo also arranged last month's inaugural Christmas in July event in Tasmania, which I had the pleasure of visiting and donating to. There was facepainting for kids, live music, a lovely bonfire, a Santa and elf run and lots of trivia. It was a great day out for the family despite the wild and woolly weather. I'd like to thank Jo for her amazing achievement in organising this event.

Sonya Williams has been running Under One Rainbow for more than ten years. Under One Rainbow was originally established following a homophobic, violent act on a young boy in the Bridgewater area. It promotes inclusion and diversity for the LGBTQIA and broader community. Sonya does amazing work, and she's often at community events with her team.

Kristian Horvath and the team at Sorrell Community Network are a relatively new volunteer group that provide free food, free pet food and hot meals to the Sorrell community and its environs. They're doing wonderful work down there the south-east.

Ann Marie Blunt is a powerhouse of a volunteer in the St Helens area of my electorate, which is in the north-east of the state. Ann Marie is the founder and played an integral part in the establishment of the St Helens Netball Association. Ann Marie is a foster carer for children within her own home, a key member in establishing Little Athletics in the St Helens area and a driver for Meals on Wheels, and she mentors our young people at the St Helens District High School.

Just lastly, I'd like to mention Neville Goss of Cressy, who recently retired after an impressive 50 years of employment with Browns supermarkets. We all wish Neville well with his retirement.