House debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Statements by Members

Cycling Without Age Australia

1:42 pm

Photo of Darren ChesterDarren Chester (Gippsland, National Party, Shadow Minister for Regional Education) Share this | | Hansard source

Well before the COVID pandemic, our nation was already experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. While it impacts all ages, it's most evident amongst our older Australians, particularly those in a residential care setting. There's one organisation which I'm particularly impressed with. It's doing something to make a difference in our community. It's called Cycling Without Age Australia.

Cycling Without Age volunteers provide free trishaw rides with pilots on the back of the trishaw, giving older Australians an opportunity to get out of their residential environment and enjoy some company in the outdoors environment and an experience in their own community. At its heart, the whole Cycling Without Age program is about generosity: the generosity of volunteers, their generosity of spirit, to try and ease that loneliness burden in our community.

This organisation actually started in Denmark in 2012. It made it to Australia in 2016, and there are now 40 chapters operating around Australia. There are hundreds of volunteer pilots who are providing that experience for our older Australians in their own communities. I want to thank them for doing that. Thank you for having the generosity of spirit to give that great experience to our older Australians who have lost their capacity to go for a bike ride by themselves.

In exciting news, we are just starting our own chapter of Cycling Without Age in Gippsland. I'm heavily involved with my staff and local volunteers, local people who want to make a difference in our community. We're working to establish our first chapter in Gippsland with the experience in Lakes Entrance, Bairnsdale and Sale. I say to the House: watch this space. There will be more happening in Gippsland with Cycling Without Age Australia.