House debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Statements by Members

Early Childhood Education

1:49 pm

Photo of Matt BurnellMatt Burnell (Spence, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Early childhood is one of the most critical stages in human development. Its importance can't be overstated. Every single day, just down the road from my electorate office, at the Hillbank Community Children's Centre, and at thousands of other early learning centres across Australia, our children thrive in their early development, building block by building block. This crucial work is carried out by the tireless early childhood educators on the ground, fulfilling important and demanding roles for the good of our nation, our communities and our children.

Now these workers are getting a deserved pay rise, a 15 per cent wage increase under this Labor government. That's at least an extra $155 per week going directly into the pockets of educators on the award rate by December next year. That's funding to boost staff retention at our early childhood learning centres, ensuring early childhood educators in Australia can sustainably continue to help our children thrive. It's putting downward pressure on costs for families, by capping fee increases at 4.4 per cent as part of the wage increase, because this Labor government knows the pressure both early childhood educators and families are under. It knows how important early learning is to our nation, and that's why this Labor government is increasing pay without increasing cost where it matters most. To the centre manager at the Hillbank Community Children's Centre: I really do hope that this helps to increase retention of staff, because I know it's been an ongoing issue in our area.