House debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Constituency Statements

Hawke Electorate: Community Events, Education

10:50 am

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Last weekend I attended the Bacchus Marsh 3340 volunteer network lunch at the newly completed Darley pavilion. This gathering brought together over a hundred volunteers from across the 3340 postcode to celebrate their tireless efforts in support of our community. This event was not only an acknowledgement of the incredible work our volunteers do but also an opportunity for these inspiring individuals and groups to connect, share their experiences and strengthen the bonds that make our community such a special place to live. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Claire Sutherland and Ian Prince as well as all of the staff from Community Bank Bacchus Marsh, and also John Cutler from the Darley Park Community and Sports Centre for their hard work in organising this fantastic event.

Yesterday was Vietnam Veterans Day and the 58th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. This occasion serves as a solemn reminder of the service and sacrifice of our brave service personnel. I recently had the privilege of meeting with the Melton Vietnam Veterans Association to discuss the commemoration. Their dedication to honouring our fallen soldiers and supporting our veterans is truly incredible. The association's motto, 'Remember the dead and fight like hell for the living', reflects their unwavering commitment to both memory and action. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Wayne, Jim and all the members of the association for having me and indeed for their tireless efforts and continuing service to our community, particularly our valued veterans.

The Albanese government is committed to backing Australian science and technology, and the Maker Projects grants are a testament to this commitment. These grants, ranging from $20,000 to $100,000, support organisations in delivering projects that help students and young people develop and apply their STEM knowledge.

In my electorate of Hawke we are already seeing the benefits locally. Thanks to a $70,996 Maker Projects grant in 2022, SciencePlay Kids is providing schools like Balliang East Primary School with access to free STEM kits. This initiative is equipping our students with the tools and the inspiration that they need to explore the very exciting world of STEM. Last week I had the pleasure of visiting Balliang East Primary School to witness all the incredible work being done in this space. I want to extend my thanks to principal Caryn and business manager Melanie for showing me around, and to all the teachers and educators across our community for their dedication to inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals. (Time expired)