House debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Members

Moore Electorate: Fleur Freame Pavilion

4:20 pm

Photo of Ian GoodenoughIan Goodenough (Moore, Liberal Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The ageing clubroom facilities at Fleur Freame Pavilion located at Macdonald reserve in Padbury are used by many local sporting clubs and community groups, including the Whitford Junior Football Club, Whitford Amateur Football Club, Whitfords Junior Cricket Club, Whitfords senior cricket club, Joondalup Bridge Club and many other community groups. The facilities were built more than 40 years ago and the buildings are reaching the end of their useful life. They are too small to accommodate the growth in population over four decades and do not meet contemporary building standards, such as those for disability access. The cramped changing room facilities are run down and inadequate to cope with the growth in popularity of women's sport. There is very limited storage space for sporting equipment, and the clubroom and kitchen facilities require modern refurbishment.

A redevelopment of the facilities needs to be placed on the agenda now—sooner rather than later—since it takes several years to complete the architectural design and building plans, conduct community consultation with stakeholders and secure the necessary capital funding. For a project of this scale, it will require the local, state and federal levels of government to cooperate. I look forward to working proactively with the local community and the City of Joondalup to put this important project on the redevelopment agenda, starting now.