House debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

  • Freedom of Speech (1 speech)
    Today is a dark day and one that does not bode well for the nation. The government's so-called combatting misinformation bill marks the beginning of the end for free speech and democracy in...
  • Albanese Government (1 speech)
    Structures matter. I don't think you need to be an engineer to understand this; I think we understand this as humans. You need to get the structures right, and then you can get the foundations,...
  • Labor Government (1 speech)
    With all due respect to our incredible Australian athletes, I'm sorry: it's time to forget about the Paris Olympics; it's time to forget about the Paralympics as well, because there's a new show...
  • Tangney Electorate: Community Leaders (1 speech)
    At a recent community morning tea, I stood in front of 150 of Tangney's great community leaders. Standing shoulder to shoulder were people representing groups and organisations from across the...
  • Youth Voice in Parliament Week (1 speech)
    I rise today on behalf of young people in Bass to share their speeches on issues they care about, as part of the Raise Our Voice in Parliament campaign, which aims to amplify youth voices and...
  • Banking and Financial Services (1 speech)
    For too long, banks and international card providers have benefited from a system that penalises consumers and small businesses. It's a system that has siphoned off billions of dollars from our...