House debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Albanese Government

2:54 pm

Photo of Sussan LeySussan Ley (Farrer, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Women) Share this | | Hansard source

My question is to the Treasurer. Joe Massih owns a furniture shop in the Treasurer's electorate of Rankin and told the Australian he believed the RBA might need to raise rates further to get on top of inflation. He said 'the Treasurer should not be spending more money'. Will the Treasurer take responsibility for Labor's bad decisions over the last two years, which have taken our country in the wrong direction and hurt Australian families?

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

Order! The member for Banks is warned. The Treasurer has the call.

2:55 pm

Photo of Jim ChalmersJim Chalmers (Rankin, Australian Labor Party, Treasurer) Share this | | Hansard source

Yesterday I was saying to the infrastructure minister and the defence minister, 'I really hope they ask me about the front of the Australian.' I didn't think that I would be this lucky, but it turns out that, a day later, I am. They're asking me about some wonderful people in my local community: Joe, Mabrouk, Kate and my great friends Nicky and Tyson.

The story was on the front of the Australian yesterday, and I welcome the interest from the Australian. I welcome the visit. They spoke to some of the business leaders and business owners in my local community. I want to say to each of them, all five of them, and to every small-business person in my electorate: I'm proud to represent you. The issues raised by Joe, Mabrouk, Kate, Nicky and Tyson were issues that are raised with us right around Australia right now, and they are part of the motivation—they are part of the inspiration—for the cost-of-living help that this government and this prime minister are rolling out.

Because, unlike those opposite, we don't hear that people are under pressure and then ignore their very real needs and concerns. When we hear that people are under pressure, we act to do something about it. We give every taxpayer a tax cut. We give every household energy bill relief and a million small businesses energy bill relief, which those opposite don't support. We make early childhood education and medicines cheaper. We provide help with rent and we get wages moving again.

So, yesterday, I didn't think that they would ask me what my message would be to those wonderful people in my local community. The other thing that I would say to those wonderful people, if I may, particularly to my great friend Nicky Pati, to Tyson and to all of those people, is thank you. Thank you for your leadership in our local community. I'm asked about those great friends in the Australian yesterday. I want to say this about Nicky—I want to tell the whole House about Nicky—because he rang me yesterday mortified that he had somehow given a different impression to the impression that he wanted to give. But I reassured him that, if those opposite read to the end of the story—and it doesn't appear that they have—this is what Nicky said about me and the state treasurer of Queensland:

'How good is it? Two Logan boys are running the finances for the country and Queensland. They understand…they see the struggle,' he said. 'I know Jim and Cameron are doing such a great job… those two boys, two big bosses, are doing the best they can to ease the cost of living for people.'

I say to you, Nicky—and there's a red hot chance that he's watching from Spasifik barbers in Kingston in my electorate—'How are you doing, Nicky? Thanks for the kind words.'

Government Members:

Government members interjecting

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

Order, members on my right! The Treasurer will cease interjecting.

The Member for Hume and the Member for O'Connor, clapping is highly disorderly. If this continues, people will be removed immediately.