House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Members

Labor Government

1:34 pm

Photo of Luke GoslingLuke Gosling (Solomon, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

The Albanese government has a laser-like focus on helping Australians with cost-of-living issues. We want Australians not only to earn more but to keep more of what they earn. If we had those opposite running the country, not all Australians would have gotten a tax break. But we've made sure that all working Australians will get some tax relief, and that will be good for all Australians and Australian families. We also know that the cost of living is really hurting Australian families in particular but also every single Australian, which is why we have done so much to make sure not only that there is pressure on the supermarkets but that there is more transparency to make sure they are dealing with their customers—our fellow Australians—fairly. We've brought in the code of conduct, which, under those opposite, was only voluntary. We've made it mandatory. We've funded Choice to do the tracking and monitoring of the price of groceries across the country, and what we've found is that ALDI is often a lot cheaper. That's why I'm pushing to bring ALDI to the Northern Territory, and I understand that Tasmania is keen as well. The more competition we have, the better it will be for Australians around the country, and that is what we're focused on.