House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Members

South Australian National Football League

1:42 pm

Photo of James StevensJames Stevens (Sturt, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Waste Reduction) Share this | | Hansard source

I had hoped to be speaking to the House in different circumstances to report on a fantastic victory of the Norwood Redlegs Football Club at the recent SANFL grand final, but regrettably it was not to be. Unfortunately, my local team were defeated by Glenelg by less than a goal, after having a fantastic season, finishing on top and going on to win the first final that they played in, guaranteeing them a berth directly through into the grand final. Being there at Adelaide Oval, I did think, initially, that the wind had a significant impact. It was not the greatest first quarter but an excellent second quarter. Unfortunately, in the third quarter, Glenelg really did pull away. Norwood came so close in the final quarter, getting to within a goal. We were waiting and hoping that we could just create an opportunity for a final goal much like in the 2022 victory, where the famous Matt Panos kick on the siren, through the middle, achieved victory for Norwood. It wasn't to be in 2024.

My deepest congratulations to Jade Rawlings and the whole Norwood footy club team. They had a fantastic season; there's no doubt about it. It was bitterly disappointing that we didn't quite get to bring home the cup, but hopefully next year we can make it a very, very different story, and I look forward to continuing to go to their games well into the future.