House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024


Hunter Wetlands Centre, Play Our Way Program, Hunter Business Awards

4:55 pm

Photo of Sharon ClaydonSharon Claydon (Newcastle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I rise to congratulate the Hunter Wetlands Centre, who are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year. The story of this community-run, not-for-profit organisation is truly remarkable. In just 40 years, they've successfully converted 45 hectares of old rugby fields and dumping grounds into the vibrant ecosystem that is today recognised as a wetland of national and international importance.

These Ramsar-listed wetlands are now home to more than 200 bird species—including my favourite, the freckled duck, who, thanks to the wetlands centre's successful captive-breeders program, is no longer on the vulnerable ducks list. Indeed, after 40 years of restoration and over 400,000 plants, the Hunter wetlands is now an absolute haven for the freckled duck and many of its native wildlife friends, and for Novocastrians who love to visit and experience the joy of nature.

The Hunter Wetlands Centre has earned a growing reputation for its excellence in wetland conservation, education and ecotourism. This is all thanks to the exceptional efforts of more than 160 volunteers freely giving their time and expertise to protect and restore our wetlands.

Thanks also to the board, under the leadership of its chair, Peter Nelson; to the volunteer CEO, Ken Bayliss, who stepped down just last year, and his replacement, James Wilson, the current General Manager. Congratulations and thanks to the entire team at the Hunter Wetlands Centre on this important milestone.

Congratulations also to the two outstanding Newcastle sports organisations who have received much-deserved recognition and funding under the Albanese Labor government's $200 million Play Our Way grant program, which is designed to make sports more welcoming and equitable for women and girls. I was excited recently to call Ennia Jones from A Splash of Colour Swimming in Warabrook, to let her know that she was receiving $976,900 in funding. Ennia, who has put her heart and soul into this program, was overjoyed—indeed, speechless—to hear the news. A Splash of Colour is a holistic and inclusive swimming program that provides swimming lessons and water confidence to culturally and linguistically diverse women from across Newcastle and the Hunter region. In a culturally-safe setting, A Splash of Colour helps women address aquaphobia and learn water safety and gives them the skills to enjoy and be safe in the beautiful water and beaches of Newcastle and beyond. The program has supported over 110 women in the past year, and the Labor government's funding will be used to expand the program to reach more women and expand it beyond Newcastle and New South Wales to include the ACT, Queensland and Victoria.

Heartfelt congratulations also to Girls Day Out from New Lambton, who received $590,000 in funding. Girls Day Out is the ultimate come-and-try sport event for girls, including girls with disability. With over 50 per cent of girls aged 11 to 15 years dropping out of sport, Girls Day Out provides a day for girls to try a range of sports without judgement and with accomplished female athletes to lead the sessions and show them that they, too, can make anything possible. With this funding, Girls Day Out will deliver 25 come-and-try events, to over 7,000 girls, including nine disability-specific events. Kirsten Ansell was thrilled when I called her to tell her that this would all now be possible with the support of funds from the Albanese Labor government.

Congratulations to these two fabulous sports organisations. They are creating positive outcomes for women and girls in Newcastle to enjoy, and to thrive in, sport.

The Hunter Business Awards are held every year to highlight the contribution that businesses make to our community and our region, across the state and indeed the nation. This year it was a celebration of 127 finalists across 21 categories, to recognise the very best in business.

Congratulations go to the following winners from my electorate of Newcastle: Home In Place, who won the Outstanding Community Organisation award; SAPHI, who won awards for both Excellence in Small Business and Excellence in Sustainability; the Hunter, New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network, who was awarded Employer of Choice; Out of the Square Media, who won the award for Contribution to the Region; to CoastXP, who won the inaugural Outstanding Visitor Experience award; and to Rob Dawson from Myrtec, who took out the award for Outstanding Business Leader.

These awards also recognised the significant contributions made by Daracon, Orica and Marcia Chapman, the late CEO of Jenny's Place, as well as the former mayor of Lake Macquarie, Kay Fraser. It was a wonderful night, celebrating the very best of Newcastle and the Hunter businesses. Congratulations to all of the award winners!

House adjourned at 17 : 00

The DEPUTY SPEAKER ( Ms Payne ) took the chair at 09:30.