House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Statements by Members

Youth Voice in Parliament Week

1:33 pm

Photo of Colin BoyceColin Boyce (Flynn, Liberal National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Today I'm proud to share the ideas of two remarkable year 8 students from Emerald State High School who have taken part in the Youth Voice in Parliament program. This initiative gives young Australians the opportunity to express their concerns and ideas and to have their voices heard at the highest level of government.

Areebah, one of the young students, wrote passionately about the issue of littering in her home town of Emerald. She noted that, despite council efforts, community participation is lacking. She urges all of us to address this issue before it escalates further, calling for stronger efforts to encourage everybody to properly dispose of their waste and keep our communities clean.

Amber, also in year 8 at Emerald State High School, raised her voice and wrote strongly about her beliefs that there should be more Indigenous involvement, and greater opportunity to embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, in the gem fields in the greater Central Highlands region.

I want to thank Areebah and Amber for their thoughtful contributions and for taking an active interest in shaping our future. Their participation in the Youth Voice in Parliament program is a testament to the power of young people in influencing positive change. I encourage other students to follow in their footsteps and participate in the program next year.