House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Statements by Members

Queensland State Election

1:56 pm

Photo of Keith PittKeith Pitt (Hinkler, National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

It's on! In Queensland, it's on. There's a state election. We've seen the campaign buses. We see the promises. We see the scare campaigns. But in Bundaberg what we see is our local candidate for the Liberal National Party, Bree Watson. What a champion! A local champion schooled locally, working locally, raising a family locally, she is a cracking candidate for Bundaberg, and she has promised and committed to a level 5 hospital for Bundaberg.

What have we seen from the opposition, the state Labor government? In August 2020 they promised a level 5 hospital. Then they decided it was a five-level hospital. The people that I represent know the difference. And guess what they've built so far, in four years? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, the Labor member for Bundaberg was in the paper celebrating yesterday that they've delivered mulch. They've raised some areas and they've delivered mulch. So the mulch man has delivered free mulch for community organisations, instead of a level 5 hospital. Can you believe that that is the strategy? They even celebrated that someone bought him a beer because he provided free mulch for them.

The people in that region know they deserve a hospital and they need a hospital. It is only the LNP that will provide that hospital in that region, and that's with Bree Watson as the local member. I'm pretty sure that the people of Queensland know what this state Labor government is. There's another name for a mulch pile, and it's a pile of something unparliamentary.