House debates
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Navigation Amendment Bill 2024; Second Reading
1:00 pm
Dan Tehan (Wannon, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I, on behalf of the federal coalition, rise to speak on the Navigation Amendment Bill 2024, which we will be supporting. This bill proposes minor modifications to the Navigation Act 2012 to implement an amendment to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974, SOLAS.
In Australia, the Navigation Act 2012 implements our obligations under SOLAS, including regulating international ship and seafarer safety and protecting the marine environment. The IP Code is a mandatory set of regulations aimed at ensuring the safety of personnel who are transported to and from work at offshore facilities.
Expansion of the maritime offshore and energy sectors has created growth in new offshore industrial activities and demand for carriage of industrial personnel to and from offshore facilities. The changes to the convention were to address a lack of international regulations for cargo ships transporting more than 12 personnel who do not work on board the vessel. The transport of industrial personnel is distinct from conventional passenger carriage, as it often involves offshore support vessels operating in challenging and hazardous environments. Consequently, the safe transfer of industrial personnel necessitates specialised skills and control measures that are not technically required in standard passenger operations.
The amendments futureproof the descriptions of passenger, seafarer, industrial personnel and industrial personnel vessel by adopting the SOLAS definitions. Additionally, this bill introduces a regulation-making power specifically for industrial personnel vessels.
This bill gives effect to the SOLAS amendment and ensures Australia's compliance with its international obligations under the convention. It will allow foreign vessels in Australia to rely on the newly established International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel.
On 20 March 2024, the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties resolved that binding treaty action be recommended to give effect to the SOLAS amendment. The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties noted the government considered that the bill is expected to have only minor practical, legal and financial effects on Australia. The government assured the committee that this is because it is rare that an international vessel would carry industrial personnel to an Australian offshore facility and that Australia's current regulatory arrangements on the safety of vessels engaged in offshore operations likely meet, if not exceed, the amendment's effect.
As stated at the beginning of my remarks, the federal coalition will be supporting this bill and we commend it to the House.
Debate adjourned.