House debates
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Statements by Members
1:58 pm
David Coleman (Banks, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Communications) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
This Treasurer has delivered a disastrous, appalling, embarrassing budget. There are massive deficits as far as the eye can see. Here are the numbers: $28 billion deficit, $42 billion deficit, $36 billion deficit and $37 billion deficit. It goes not only for the four years but for the entire decade. The National Australia Bank said this morning, 'There seems to be no attempt to start to return to budget balance any time in the next decade.' That is an admission of defeat, and it is shameful.
We also know about the collapse in living standards, which are the worst in the OECD. If you've got a mortgage, your family is $50,000 worse off under this Prime Minister and this Treasurer. We know that this Prime Minister said 97 times that electricity would come down by $275. What's actually happened is that it's gone up by up to $1,300 per family.
It's not funny. It's actually a very big problem for Australian families. You won't say $275 after the election—you said it 97 times before. I'd also say that Labor has lost control of the immigration system, which was reflected again in last night's budget figures. Once again, the numbers have been revised up; 1.8 million people over five years. That puts pressure on infrastructure. It puts pressure on housing. Immigration is a very good thing, but it needs to be managed, and it is not being managed on that side. The final insult is the $5 tax cut, which is a small cup of coffee at best. It's a disgrace. (Time expired)
Milton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
Order! In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members' statements has concluded.