House debates
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Constituency Statements
Labor Government, Lalor Electorate: Community Events
9:51 am
Joanne Ryan (Lalor, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I was born and raised in the electorate I serve. I have lived my entire life there, and I always have and always will fight for my community. That's why I'm proud that our federal Labor government has managed to get inflation going down, wages going up and unemployment staying low, which has resulted in the first lower interest rate. I believe that addressing the cost-of-living pressures facing locals is our number one priority. It has been since I was elected and the Labor government was elected, and that's why we've delivered tax cuts for every taxpayer, cheaper childcare for around 8,000 local families, energy bill relief for every household, HECS-HELP relief for 18,000 locals with student debt. We've expanded paid parental leave, we've increased rental assistance by 40 per cent, and we've provided cheaper medicines. We've also ensured wage increases. It's why in this budget we've gone further, with more tax cuts for every taxpayer, more energy bill relief for every local household, more funding to further strengthen Medicare to make it free to see the doctor and a 20 per cent reduction for all student debt if we're re-elected. Today, we found out that the Liberals will legislate to increase income tax for every Australian if they win in the election. There is no doubt in my mind that we need to return the Albanese Labor government.
In my community of Lalor, we are home to many faiths, cultures and languages. Our community's diversity is what makes us strong. I want to wish my Muslim community all the best for those who have been observing the holy month of Ramadan and very happy Eid. Eid Mubarak! To my Christian community, to those who are observing Easter, I wish you a happy Holy Week. I wish you well. Whether you spend Easter in religious observation or with family and friends on the long weekend, I want to wish everybody in my community a very happy Easter. I want everyone to stay safe over that long weekend.
I want to ensure that everyone in our community understands what the upcoming election means for them—the difference between an Albanese Labor government and a Liberal government. The difference is that a Labor government cares about every Australian. We want to ensure that every Australian earns more and keeps more of what they earn, and that's why we've introduced the tax cuts. That's why we've supported pay rises for the poorest in our community and made sure that our aged care workers, nurses and carers, and our childcare workers all got a pay increase across this first term in our government. You can trust Labor to support everyone, not just some people in our community.