House debates
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum
10:00 am
Andrew Gee (Calare, Independent) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
Since the First World War, the Lithgow small arms factory has been integral to our nation's security and cultural history. After the Boer War campaign, it became clear that, due to its geographic isolation, Australia required a sovereign arms-making capability. After Federation in 1901, it fell to the new Australian government to secure Australia's defence and make Australia's arms manufacturing a reality.
The Lithgow small arms factory officially opened in June 1912, when the factory had 190 employees. This grew to 373 employees by June 1914. When the First World War broke out, the factory was still not up to its full production potential of 20,000 rifles per year. It's been manufacturing arms for our men and women in uniform ever since. By 1937, the factory had been making about 30,000 rifles each year, and by 1942, with the outbreak of World War II, employment at the Lithgow small arms factory had grown to 6,000 people, with a further 6,000 employed at various feeder factories around the region. Production had increased to 4,000 rifles per week at this time.
Through the Korean and Vietnam wars to modern day conflicts, Lithgow has continued to make rifles for the Australian Defence Force. It is currently operated by world-wide defence and armaments manufacturer Thales. The community values and supports Thales and the crucial employment it brings, as well as its contribution to our national security. Defence manufacturing at Lithgow must continue.
At the site of the Lithgow small arms factory is the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum. The museum is iconic not only for Lithgow but for Australia. It's the keeper of the history of arms manufacturing in Lithgow and our country. Visitors come from all over our nation to visit the museum and learn about the arms being manufactured there. Some 10,000 people visit the small arms factory museum every year, and it's a key tourist drawcard for Lithgow and the region. Many Australians have a deep connection with Lithgow and the small arms factory. The museum is a real and tangible link with our history, and it's why so many people feel attached to it.
The museum is run by a small group of volunteers and is funded through admissions and sales in its shop. The museum's hardworking executive includes President Donna White, Vice-President Adam Cullen, Graham Dixon, Joseph Abraham, secretary Kerry Guerin, Lynne Butler and Ray Bent. I thank all of the museum's volunteers for their wonderful, dedicated work. The community really appreciates it.
Last year there was a criminal break-in at the museum in which dozens of historic handguns were stolen. The museum has been closed since the break-in, pending essential security upgrades to the building. The closure of the museum has had a devastating impact on the volunteers and also on people around Australia who wish to visit the museum, including those who want to research the history of family members who worked at the small arms factory. Unfortunately, at present there appears to be an impasse over the museum's tenure at the small arms factory site. Thales has offered the museum a lease, but the volunteers have issues with the proposed terms. The museum wishes to buy the site to secure long-term tenure and its future in Lithgow; however, to date no sale of the site by Thales to the museum has been agreed upon.
The Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum is truly unique. It not only contains a firearms collection but also contains UNESCO-listed archives and a huge machinery collection. If the museum does not reopen, the collection will be split up and Australia and Lithgow will lose a key part of our history. I'm therefore urging all parties to redouble their efforts to conclude outstanding issues between the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum and Thales. The community is extraordinarily supportive both of armaments manufacturing in Lithgow by Thales and of the museum, and it's vital for Lithgow and Australia that this issue be resolved as soon as possible. This is our history at stake and it would be a real tragedy if the museum closed for good and its collection was lost.
Our community is of the firm belief that the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum must be saved and reopened. It's as simple as that. I hope all outstanding issues can be resolved by all parties with good faith and goodwill. The communities wants a bright future for Thales and the manufacturing that occurs in Lithgow, as well as the museum. They both have a key role to play in our wonderful region.