This data was produced by OpenAustralia from a variety of sources.
George Brandis, former Senator

- Former Liberal Party Senator for Queensland
- Became a Senator on 16 May 2000 — unknown
- Left Senate on 15 February 2018 — Resigned
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Parliamentary Representation: Valedictory (7 Feb 2018)
“That's what I was trying to say!”
- Parliamentary Representation: Valedictory (7 Feb 2018)
“Before I begin my valedictory statement, may I acknowledge the distinguished presence in the President's gallery of a number of visitors, including the Chief Justice of the High Court, the Hon. Susan Kiefel, and Justice Edelman of the High Court; the Acting Chief Justice of the Family Court and Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court, the Hon. William Alstergren; the Commonwealth...”
- Statements: Valedictories (7 Dec 2017)
“At last, at the end of a very busy year and having just witnessed, as many of us have done, a most consequential event in the House of Representatives—initiated, I might say, in the Senate—it is time to reflect upon the season and to wish each other seasonal greetings. Of course, this is a chamber of debate, in which passions and feelings often run high, but it is on occasions...”
Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Senators may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)
- Has spoken in 138 debates in the last year — well above average amongst Senators.
- People have made 8 comments on this Senator's speeches — well above average amongst Senators.
- 24 people are tracking whenever this Senator speaks.
- Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 1408 times in debates — well above average amongst Senators. (Why is this here?)