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RSS feed Alex Hawke MP

Photo of Alex Hawke
  • Liberal Party Representative for Mitchell
  • Entered House of Representatives on 24 November 2007 — Federal election
  • Email me whenever Alex Hawke speaks (no more than once per day)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Statements by Members: Mitchell Electorate: Health Care (25 Nov 2024)

“I rise today to express my deep concern since I last raised this topic: the Rouse Hill hospital and the New South Wales state government's failure to secure and fund a birth unit for a new public hospital in one of Sydney's fastest-growing areas. The north-west of Sydney has been doing the heavy lifting for growth. Indeed, the state government's new growth projections have doubled—or,...”

Bills: Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024; Second Reading (7 Nov 2024)

“I rise today to add my voice to the hundreds of thousands of Australians—progressive, conservative, left and right—who have all indicated their strenuous opposition to this Albanese Labor government's attempt to curtail our freedom of speech and expression. This bill that we are debating, the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill...”

Constituency Statements: Mitchell Electorate: Infrastructure (7 Nov 2024)

“I rise today to continue my campaign on the Rouse Hill Hospital to ensure this vital public service is not just completed but constructed within a reasonable timeframe. The former coalition government allocated the land and got underway with the planning for a new public hospital just outside my community and the electorate of Mitchell, one of the fastest growing areas of Sydney. I want to...”

More of Alex Hawke's recent appearances


Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)

  • Has spoken in 12 debates in the last year — well below average amongst Representatives.
  • People have made 8 comments on this Representative's speeches — well above average amongst Representatives.
  • This Representative's speeches are understandable to an average 17–18 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
  • 21 people are tracking whenever this Representative speaks — email me whenever Alex Hawke speaks.
  • Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 502 times in debates — above average amongst Representatives. (Why is this here?)