This data was produced by OpenAustralia from a variety of sources.

RSS feed Patrick Gorman MP

Photo of Patrick Gorman
  • Australian Labor Party Representative for Perth
  • Assistant Minister for the Public Service (since 29 Jul 2024)
    Assistant Minister to the Attorney General (since 29 Jul 2024)
    Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister (since 1 Jun 2022)
  • Entered House of Representatives on 28 July 2018 — Byelection
  • Email me whenever Patrick Gorman speaks (no more than once per day)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Documents: Australian Public Service Commission; Presentation (26 Nov 2024)

“I present the Australian Public Service Commission's State ofthe service report for 2023-24.”

Bills: National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Commitment to Public Ownership) Bill 2024; Second Reading (19 Nov 2024)

“Indeed, what I'm hearing from some of those opposite is that people in their electorates want ultrafast broadband too, and I would hope that those members opposite go back to their electorates and say: 'Did you know that the reason it's taken so long is because the Liberal and the National Party made a mistake. We made a mistake by backing the wrong technology.'”

Bills: National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Commitment to Public Ownership) Bill 2024; Second Reading (19 Nov 2024)

“They made a mistake by backing the wrong technology, by choosing the technology of copper rather than the technology that was always going to be right, which was fibre. They make this mistake a lot of times; they look to the technologies of the past rather than the technologies of the future. They looked to copper rather than fibre. They look to nuclear rather than renewables. They are always...”

More of Patrick Gorman's recent appearances


Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)

  • Has spoken in 28 debates in the last year — below average amongst Representatives.
  • People have made 0 comments on this Representative's speeches — average amongst Representatives.
  • This Representative's speeches are understandable to an average 16–17 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
  • 8 people are tracking whenever this Representative speaks — email me whenever Patrick Gorman speaks.
  • Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 193 times in debates — below average amongst Representatives. (Why is this here?)