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Zali Steggall MP

- Independent Representative for Warringah
- Entered House of Representatives on 18 May 2019 — Federal election
- Email me whenever Zali Steggall speaks (no more than once per day)
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Bills: Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024; Second Reading (26 Nov 2024)
“I rise to speak on the government's Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024. While I accept that there is a goal of dealing with online harms and protecting young people, I think this is incredibly misguided. It is a window-dressing attempt by the government to look like it is doing something about harm without actually doing anything that is going to be meaningful. I am...”
- Bills: Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Amendment Bill 2024; Second Reading (26 Nov 2024)
“I rise to speak on the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Amendment Bill 2024. It sounds technical, but it is incredibly important to women in their birthing choices. Equitable access to midwifery services is an important step in ensuring Australia's maternal healthcare system meets the needs of expectant new mothers. This bill represents an important step...”
- Bills: Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024; Second Reading (26 Nov 2024)
“I second the amendment and reserve my right to speak. (Quorum formed.)”
Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)
- Has spoken in 59 debates in the last year — well above average amongst Representatives.
- People have made 3 comments on this Representative's speeches — well above average amongst Representatives.
- This Representative's speeches are understandable to an average 17–18 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
- 10 people are tracking whenever this Representative speaks — email me whenever Zali Steggall speaks.
- Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 385 times in debates — average amongst Representatives. (Why is this here?)