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RSS feed Zoe McKenzie MP

Photo of Zoe McKenzie

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Bills: Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024; Second Reading (26 Nov 2024)

“When I got to my feet in this place for the first time two years ago I talked about the trauma my electorate, my community and, indeed, my family had just come through. Between 2020-22 Melbourne endured 262 days of lockdown and 36 weeks of homeschooling. In my maiden speech here I said: My kids' generation is intrinsically digital. …   …   …...”

Adjournment: Flinders Electorate, Prentice, Mr John (25 Nov 2024)

“As we begin the final sitting week of the year, which may well be the final sitting week of the 47th Parliament, there is a moment for reflection and gratitude. For many outside this place, it has been a very hard year. I see it and I hear it when walking along our retail and industrial zones across the Mornington Peninsula. A few weeks ago in Rye, a store owner selling sports and fishing...”

Private Members' Business: Cash (25 Nov 2024)

“The time allotted for this debate has expired. The debate is adjourned and resumption of the debate will be made an order of the day for the next sitting.”

More of Zoe McKenzie's recent appearances


Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)

  • Has spoken in 45 debates in the last year — average amongst Representatives.
  • People have made 0 comments on this Representative's speeches — average amongst Representatives.
  • This Representative's speeches are understandable to an average 18–19 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
  • 1 person is tracking whenever this Representative speaks — email me whenever Zoe McKenzie speaks.
  • Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 70 times in debates — well below average amongst Representatives. (Why is this here?)