Senate debates
Thursday, 1 November 2012
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Notices (0 speeches)
- Grameen Bank; Presentation (1 speech)
I give notice that, on the next day of sitting, I shall move: That the Senate— (a) recognises and applauds the work of the Grameen Bank in helping to lift millions of poor people,...
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Selection of Bills Committee; Report (1 speech)
I present report No. 14 of 2012 of the Selection of Bills Committee. Ordered that the report be adopted. I seek leave to have the report incorporated in Hansard. Leave granted. The report read...
- Business (0 speeches)
- Rearrangement (1 speech)
I move: That: (a) government business orders of the day nos 2, 3, 5 and 6 be considered from 12.45 pm today under the temporary order relating to non-controversial government...
- Days and Hours of Meeting (1 speech)
by leave—I move: That the days of meeting of the Senate for 2013 be scheduled as follows: 2013––DAYS OF MEETING OF THE SENATE Autumn sittings: Tuesday, 5 February to Thursday, 7...
- Rearrangement (1 speech)
by leave—I move: That immediately after motions to take note of answers, the routine of business for the remainder of the day be as follows: (a) tabling of government responses to committee...
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Business (0 speeches)
- Leave of Absence (1 speech)
by leave—I move: That leave of absence be granted to Senators Bilyk and Singh for today, for personal reasons. Question agreed to.
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Finance and Public Administration References Committee; Reference (1 speech)
I seek leave to amend business of the Senate motion No.1 standing in the names of Senators Xenophon, Fierravanti-Wells, Di Natale and Madigan by omitting 'by 29 November 2012' and substituting...
- Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee; Reporting Date (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Eggleston, I move: That the time for the presentation of the report of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee on Australia and the countries of the...
- Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Joint Committee; Meeting (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Furner, I move: That the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade be authorised to hold public meetings during the sittings of the Senate, as follows:...
- Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee; Reporting Date (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Heffernan, I move: That the time for the presentation of the final report of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee on the management of the...
- Community Affairs Legislation Committee; Meeting (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Moore, I move: That the Community Affairs Legislation Committee be authorised to hold private meetings otherwise than in accordance with standing order 33(1) during the...
- Community Affairs References Committee; Meeting (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Siewert, I move: That the Community Affairs References Committee be authorised to hold private meetings otherwise than in accordance with standing order 33(1) during the...
- Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; Meeting (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Sterle, I move: That the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee be authorised to hold a public meeting during the sitting of the Senate on Thursday, 1...
- International Brain Tumour Awareness Week (1 speech)
I move: That the Senate acknowledges: (a) that the week beginning 28 October 2012 is International Brain Tumour Awareness Week and, in doing so, acknowledges the impact brain tumours have on...
- Malaria (1 speech)
I, and also on behalf of Senators Di Natale, Birmingham and Pratt, move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) government and non-government organisations have made considerable...
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Motions (0 speeches)
- Global Hydrofluorocarbons (2 speeches)
Mr President, I seek leave to amend general business notice of motion No. 987 standing in my name for today relating to global hydrofluorocarbons. Leave granted. I amend the motion in the terms...
- Documents (0 speeches)
- Carbon Pricing; Order for the Production of Documents (2 speeches)
I move: That— (a) there be laid on the table, no later than noon on 19 November 2012, by the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, costings for all measures linked to the Clean Energy...
- Mining; Order for the Production of Documents (2 speeches)
I move: That— (a) there be laid on the table, no later than noon on 19 November 2012, by the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, costings for all measures linked to the Minerals Resource...
- Motions (0 speeches)
- India: Nuclear Power Industry (1 speech)
I move: That the Senate— (a) notes: (i) ongoing peaceful protests against the Koodankulam nuclear power plant, including hunger strikes, relay fasts and massive marches,...
- Newstart (2 speeches)
I move: That the Senate— (a) resolves that Newstart payments are too low and should increase by $50 per week; and (b) calls on the Government to find an appropriate savings measure to fund...
- Documents (0 speeches)
- Motions (0 speeches)
- Healing Foundation (1 speech)
I, and also on behalf of Senator Moore, move: That the Senate— (a) acknowledges the Healing Foundation's work over the past 4 years to promote emotional well-being in Aboriginal...
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Motions (0 speeches)
- Bushfires (1 speech)
I, and also on behalf of Senator Humphries, move: That, in advance of the 10th anniversary of the devastating Canberra bushfires which occurred on 18 January 2003, the Senate: (a) reflects on the...
- Budget (0 speeches)
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Publications Committee; Report (1 speech)
On behalf of Senator Carol Brown, Chair of the Standing Committee on Publications, I present the 21st report of the Publications Committee. Ordered that the report be adopted.
- Electricity Prices Committee; Report (5 speeches)
I present the report of the Select Committee on Electricity Prices entitled Reducing energy bills and improving efficiency, together with the Hansard record of proceedings and documents presented...
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Electricity Prices Committee; Report (13 speeches)
Over the past couple of years this Labor government, aided and abetted by the Greens, has done everything it can to push up the cost of electricity. By pushing up the cost of electricity, it has...
- Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
- Mining (11 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Wong. Can the Minister confirm that all state and territory royalties on iron ore or coal paid by mining companies across...
- Health (6 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health, Senator Ludwig. Can the minister outline to the Senate the investments the Gillard government is making in the health and...
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (21 speeches, 1 comment)
My question is to the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Senator Wong. Does the minister agree with the statement by the Secretary of the Department of Finance and Deregulation, Mr David...
- Environment (6 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Evans, regarding the scope of the handover of federal environmental responsibilities under the COAG deal. There is...
- Gambling (16 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Senator Chris Evans. On 22 January Minister Macklin publicly released to Clubs...
- Asian Century (16 speeches)
My question is to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Bob Carr. Can the minister update the Senate on the government's plans for strengthening Australia's economic engagement with Asia as...
- Defence Equipment (6 speeches)
Mr President, my question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, Senator Bob Carr. I refer the minister to the Gillard government's budget decision to cancel the purchase of...
- Renewable Energy (6 speeches)
My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Industry and Innovation, Senator Lundy. Three wind farm developments in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria are about to...
- Broadband (24 speeches)
My question is to the Minister for Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Conroy.
- Drug Testing in Sport (9 speeches)
My question is to the Minister for Sport, Senator Lundy. Can the minister advise, given the recent revelations by the United States Anti-Doping Agency of systematic doping by the US Postal...
- Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers (0 speeches)
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (9 speeches)
I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Finance and Deregulation (Senator Wong) to a question without notice asked by Senator Fifield today relating to a...
- Environment (2 speeches)
I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research (Senator Evans) to a question without notice asked by Senator Waters...
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Government Response to Report (1 speech)
(—) (): I present two government responses to committee reports as listed at item 15 on today’s Order of Business. In accordance with the usual practice, I seek leave to have the...
- Documents (0 speeches)
- Auditor-General's Reports (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
In accordance with the provisions of the Auditor-General Act 1997, I present the following report of the Auditor-General: Report no. 9 of 2012-13—Performance audit—Delivery of...
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Motions (0 speeches)
- Biosecurity (25 speeches)
I move: That the Senate notes the Government’s approach to biosecurity and quarantine matters in respect of Australian agriculture and issues of WTO compliance. This is a crucial issue. The...
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Documents (0 speeches)
- Australian War Memorial (3 speeches)
I had the great honour today to join the Leader of the Opposition, the Prime Minister and many dignitaries to see the recipient of—
- Australian Research Council (4 speeches)
I rise to make a few brief comments about document No. 5, being the government response to the final report of the Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade References Committee, Procurement procedures...
- AusAID (6 speeches)
I wish to address some brief remarks on document No. 6, addendum to the AusAID annual report, which of itself makes very interesting reading, particularly if you are a statistician or a...
- NBN Co. Limited (2 speeches)
In relation to document No. 10, NBN Co. Ltd., I read with great interest an article in yesterday's Australian, which I of course will not hold up because that is unparliamentary, but I will refer...
- Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (1 speech)
The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, of course, has oversight of the NBN. As I was saying earlier on, the Golden Plains Shire Council is also reported to have been...
- Australia Post (1 speech)
This report of the Australian Postal Corporation is interesting. As I did at estimates, I congratulate Australia Post for the very substantial profit that they achieved in this financial year....
- Australian Institute of Family Studies (1 speech)
During an answer this week the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Bob Carr, chose to stoop to the lowest level that I have seen in this chamber since my time here. It was a deeply offensive...
- Repatriation Commission, Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, Department of Veterans' Affairs (6 speeches)
Mr Deputy President, I do not think you were in the chamber before, but I spoke today of Corporal Daniel Keighran VC, who received his VC from the Governor-General today. I thought it would be of...
- Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (2 speeches)
I rise to take note of SEWPaC's annual report and to note the Australian Landcare Council—a wonderful coalition initiative: local solutions to local environmental issues, direct action,...
- Personal Explanations (0 speeches)
- (1 speech)
I seek leave to make a brief personal explanation. Leave granted. I wish to correct something that I said. I believe I said 'justly spat on'. I meant to say 'unjustly spat on'. I just wanted to...
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Bills (0 speeches)
- Committees (0 speeches)
- Adjournment (0 speeches)
- Grey Electorate: Education Funding (1 speech)
I rise to make a contribution on what is becoming my special subject, the electorate of Grey. In doing so I just want to preface my remarks by noting the contribution of Senator Macdonald and...
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan (1 speech)
I rise tonight to touch base with the issues pertaining to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, for which the number has been announced today. I think it is very important that now the number has been...
- Wakakirri (1 speech)
In August this year I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful event in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. I arrived at the entertainment centre and I was whisked backstage to find...
- Health and Aged Care (1 speech)
Tonight I would like to make mention of some innovative aged-care and health initiatives funded by the Gillard Labor government in the South Australian electorate of Barker and, in particular, in...
- Questions on Notice (0 speeches)
- Fair Work Act (Question No. 1990) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, upon notice, on 6 August 2012 : With reference to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Bill 2012: (1) Was...
- Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Question No. 2131) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, upon notice, on 31 August 2012: Given that: (a) in 2010, a team of scientists led...
- Budget Estimates: Question No. EW0292_13 (Question No. 2160) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, upon notice, on 13 September 2012: With reference to the answer provided to question no. EW0292_13, taken on...
- Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Question No. 2164) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, upon notice, on 14 September 2012: With regard to the announced budget cuts to the...
- Medical Services Advisory Committee (Question Nos 2167 and 2168) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 17 September 2012: With reference to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC): 1) Did MSAC request that a national...
- Employment Participation and Child Care (Question No. 2227) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Employment Participation, upon notice, on 28 September 2012: 1) How many registered: (a) Aboriginal; and (b) non -Aboriginal, job seekers are...
- Medicare (Question No. 2381) (2 speeches)
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 16 October 2012: With reference to the draft discussion paper entitled 'Review Stage 1: Retirement 410 Visa Holders and...