Senate debates

Tuesday, 7 February 2006



Senator Siewert to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee be authorised to hold a meeting during the sitting of the Senate on Wednesday, 8 February 2006, from 4.30pm, to be briefed by a panel of experts in relation to the committee’s inquiry into water policy initiatives.

Senator Ellison to move on the next day of sitting:

on Wednesday, 8 February 2006:
the hours of meeting shall be 9.30 am to 11 pm,
the routine of business from not later than 4.30 pm shall be general business order of the day no. 47 (Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Bill 2005)––second reading speeches only, and
at 11 pm, the Senate shall adjourn without any question being put; and
on Thursday, 9 February 2006:
general business order of the day no. 47 (Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Bill 2005) have precedence over all other business till 1 pm and from not later than 3.45 pm to 5 pm, and
at the conclusion of (i), the routine of business shall be:
consideration of government documents under general business,
consideration of committee reports, government responses and Auditor-General’s reports under standing order 62(1), and

Senator Fielding to move on the next day of sitting:

That the time for the presentation of the report of the Community Affairs Legislation Committee on the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Bill 2005 be extended to 16 February 2006.

Senator Conroy to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Senate directs that the Chief Executive Officer of Telstra, Mr Sol Trujillo, appear and give evidence in relation to his administration of Telstra, at the estimates hearing of the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee, at a time specified by the committee.


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