Senate debates
Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Bill 2005 [2006]
Second Reading
10:47 am
Ian Campbell (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for the Environment and Heritage) Share this | Hansard source
I thank all of the senators who have made a contribution to the debate on the Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Bill 2005 [2006]. The second reading speech, which was incorporated and tabled, summarises the government’s position on this with great clarity. I do not think it is necessary in summing up to go through that. There are some amendments before the Senate, which will obviously be dealt with briefly in the committee stage, which could well be put off briefly for intervening business.
I just make the point that the original amendments to the defence legislation in relation to aid to civilian authorities were put in there for very good reasons to give clarity to the law that pertains to the use of Australia’s defence forces in aid to civilian situations. These can be complex. They have certainly, since the first amendments were put in place, become more important in the view of the government because of the rising threat of terrorism globally and the quite clear potential threat for terrorism within Australia. There has been a review of those provisions and that review has certainly guided the amendments that are before the Senate now.
I think all of those involved in the debate have sought to assist the government in balancing the very important civil liberties and accountability measures within the bill. The government has looked closely at the recommendations of the committee and the discussions within the Senate committee and has sought to accommodate concerns where we believe we can balance those concerns against the security considerations of the nation, which are regarded by many—and are certainly regarded by me—as the first priority of the Commonwealth government. I sincerely thank all the senators who have contributed, and I particularly thank the members of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee, which did some important work on this legislation, and the Senate staff who contributed as well.
Question agreed to.
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