Senate debates

Thursday, 11 May 2006

Beaconsfield Mine

10:29 am

Photo of John WatsonJohn Watson (Tasmania, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to support this motion. Firstly, I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of the late Mr Larry Knight, who, as we all know, tragically lost his life in the Anzac Day disaster. Let us always remember that life can be so abruptly ended, indeed for all of us, but especially for those who work in the mining industry. This was a tragedy not only for the family of Larry Knight but for the wider West Tamar community. The goldmine, after all, was an integral part of the economy. The early closure of the mine will have a severe impact upon the lives of people all over the West Tamar region. But I remind the Senate that life is so much more important than gold.

I would also like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to Todd Russell, Brant Webb and their families and to express my sincere joy at the safe rescue of the pair. I give thanks to God and to the relentless and tireless efforts of the mine rescue team and their huge support base, both underground and above ground, for their safe return. It was certainly, I believe, an answer to prayer.

If there is ever a silver lining to this dark cloud it is that Australia and the world were shown an example of the very best of the human spirit. At a time of great stress and turmoil the local community bound together and supported not only each other but the hundreds of outsiders who came to cover this terrible disaster. The behaviour and the example of the Beaconsfield and the wider West Tamar community should be inspiration to us all. They displayed the very best characteristics of the Australian spirit: when they had every excuse not to do so they were gracious, they were humble, but they were, indeed, strong.

My hope is that we can continue to support the community as they recover from this event, which is seen as much as a miracle as a catastrophe, and that the good people of West Tamar will be able to reclaim something of the emotional and economic security that they once enjoyed. Once again I offer my condolences to the family and friends of Larry Knight and I offer them my prayers. I commend this motion to the Senate.


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