Senate debates

Thursday, 11 May 2006

Beaconsfield Mine

10:36 am

Photo of Lyn AllisonLyn Allison (Victoria, Australian Democrats) Share this | Hansard source

I rise also to speak briefly on behalf of the Australian Democrats to the motion with respect to the accident at the Beaconsfield goldmine in Tasmania. I would like to begin by giving our condolences to the family and friends of Mr Larry Knight, who tragically died as a result of the tremor at that mine, and to say that this is a reminder of the dangers of mining, particularly underground mining, and the need for stringent safety measures.

I would also like to pass on my condolences to the family and friends of Richard Carleton, the much respected Channel 9 journalist who also died tragically whilst covering the Beaconsfield mine accident. He died doing what he loved best. He was a respected reporter and he will be very much missed in this place.

The events at the Beaconsfield mine captured the hearts and minds of all Australians—but not just Australians. People from around the world, I understand, followed this event. We all joined the miners’ families in hoping, day after day as this dragged out, that they would be brought back from their cage a kilometre underground. It was a dramatic and no doubt frightening time for their families.

We also acknowledge the great courage and the spirit of Todd Russell and Brant Webb. In some ways, they appeared to epitomise the Australian characteristic of being able to shine through adversity with great humility and often humour. We also applaud the action and the resilience of the community, which rallied around the families and friends of those involved in the rescue and provided great support and courage. The image of people wrapped up against the Tasmanian cold in the middle of the night, waiting and watching and just being there as a presence, was truly moving.

The rescue team and the emergency services deserve special mention for their tenacity and tireless work and we applaud them for that. When faced with potential tragedy, Australians have shown again and again that they come through and that they never give up. For that reason we all owe those workers a debt of gratitude for their efforts. I commend this motion.


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