Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Questions without Notice: Additional Answers

Humpback Whales

3:00 pm

Photo of Eric AbetzEric Abetz (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation) Share this | Hansard source

I have some further information in response to the question asked by Senator Siewert. My hunch was right: the rock lobster industry in Western Australia is managed by the Western Australian government. I understand there have been media reports either today or recently indicating that the state government will not impose regulations on the rock lobster industry but has agreed to advise fishermen what measures they can take to reduce the number of whale entanglements and what to do if they find a entrapped whale.

I also take this opportunity to remind fishermen that under the EPBC Act, if they do interact with a whale or a turtle, they need to report it either to the Australian government Department of the Environment and Heritage or to the state wildlife authority. My gratuitous suggestion is that the state wildlife authority possibly would be the best, as they are closer and better able to respond. The other matters that Senator Siewert referred to have been taken on notice and a further detailed answer will be supplied.


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