Senate debates

Thursday, 17 August 2006

International Day of Peace

10:00 am

Photo of Claire MooreClaire Moore (Queensland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I, and also on behalf of Senator Allison, move:

That the Senate—
notes that:
on 7 September 2001, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly declared that the International Day of Peace should be observed annually on the fixed date of 21 September, as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, and
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has repeatedly urged member states of the UN to support the observance of a global ceasefire on the day, arguing that a global ceasefire would:
provide a pause for reflection by the international community on the threats and challenges faced,
offer mediators a building block towards a wider truce, as has been seen in nations such as Ghana and Zambia,
encourage those involved in violent conflict to reconsider the wisdom of further violence,
provide relief workers with a safe interlude for the provision of vital services and the supply of essential goods,
allow freedom of movement and information, which is particularly beneficial to refugees and internally-displaced persons, and
relieve those embroiled in violent conflict from the daily burden of fear for their own safety and the safety of others;
supports the Australian organisations that intend to hold vigils, concerts and walks on 21 September 2006, in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin and Brisbane; and
calls on the Government to actively support the principles of the International Day of Peace on 21 September.

Question agreed to.


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