Senate debates

Monday, 11 September 2006



Senator Bartlett to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Senate—
notes that:
9 September to 15 September 2006 is Australian Foster Care Week,
foster carers need specialised training, more support and better pay in order to help the growing number of highly troubled children being placed in their care,
approximately 80 per cent of the children coming into care have serious problems or disabilities, in some cases due to a reluctance to place children in foster care combined with lack of support to birth families, and
many foster care agencies in Australia are struggling to meet the demands of foster carers and children in their care, due to the serious lack of funding;
urges governments to:
provide better funding and support to ensure that foster carers are given the specialised needs training they urgently require to cope with children with special needs, and to ensure that they are able to help the growing number of highly troubled children being placed in their care, and
increase the levels of remuneration for foster carers; and
acknowledges the exceptional services that foster carers and their agencies provide every day to children in need.

Senators Stephens and Mason to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Senate—
notes, with deep concern, the rise of anti-Semitism in Australia and the growing threat which this poses to the cohesion of Australian society;
condemns all manifestations of anti-Semitism wherever they occur; and
expresses its unequivocal condemnation of all forms of racial and ethnic hatred, persecution and discrimination.

Senator Parry to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works be authorised to hold a public meeting during the sitting of the Senate on Thursday, 14 September 2006, from 3.30 pm, to take evidence for the committee’s inquiry into the provision of facilities for project single LEAP.

Senator Ludwig to move on the next day of sitting:

That the following matter be referred to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 7 February 2007:

Australia’s national and international policing requirements over the medium- and long-term, with particular reference to:

personnel and staffing needs of relevant Commonwealth agencies, particularly the Australian Federal Police;


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