Senate debates

Monday, 16 October 2006

Questions without Notice

Wind Farms

2:43 pm

Photo of Nick SherryNick Sherry (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Banking and Financial Services) Share this | Hansard source

My question is also to Senator Abetz, Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Heritage. I refer the minister to Senator Minchin’s advice that Senator Ian Campbell will be absent this week due to a trip to China. Can the minister confirm that part of the reason for Senator Campbell’s trip is to open a Roaring 40s wind farm in China? Isn’t Roaring 40s the same company that was forced in July to abandon plans for new wind farms at Heemskirk in Tasmania and Waterloo in South Australia because of Senator Campbell’s failure to increase the mandatory renewable energy target? Is the minister aware that in my home state of Tasmania a related manufacturing plant at Wynyard will close in December and a component subcontractor will retrench staff, with a total loss of up to 100 jobs? Why is Senator Campbell allowing Australian jobs and investment in the renewable energy industry to be sent to China?


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