Senate debates

Monday, 6 November 2006

Questions without Notice

Airport Security

2:33 pm

Photo of Chris EllisonChris Ellison (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for Justice and Customs) Share this | Hansard source

For the benefit of Senator Ludwig, all are in place and they have been operating very well. We have always said that it is an issue which is dealt with successfully only by a partnership between the private sector and government. In this regard, we have state, territory and federal governments involved, along with the private sector, being those involved in the airlines and the ownership of airports. With that single line of command, we have our police aviation liaison officers in place to ensure the smooth intersection between the private sector on the one hand and government on the other.

The commencement of the Victorian police seconded to the AFP today is a big step forward in the unified policing model. This announcement, which we made in response to the Wheeler report, involves in excess of $900 million across the board in relation to aviation security. Indeed, over the last five years, the Howard government has spent $1.1 billion on aviation security. It is essential that Australia have a reputation for safe and secure skies. That is something which will not only increase tourism in this country but also reassure the travelling public in relation to today’s environment of security threats—we saw them recently in the United Kingdom, especially at Heathrow Airport.

These recent announcements and implementations build on the great record that we have established in relation to aviation security. We have put in place air security officers. Recently, for the first time in Australia, the international conference was held here in recognition internationally of the great air security officer program that we have in place. We now have air security officers flying domestically and internationally. We have in place a range of measures across regional airports and major airports. All of this spells good news for the travelling public and increases air security in this country.


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