Senate debates

Monday, 4 December 2006



Senator Fifield to move on the next day of sitting:

That the time for the presentation of the report of the Finance and Public Administration Committee on the transparency and accountability of Commonwealth public funding and expenditure be extended to 8 February 2007.

Senators Siewert and Moore to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Senate—
the important role that the non--sniffable fuel Opal plays in addressing the scourge of petrol sniffing in remote Aboriginal communities, and
the announcement by the Government in September 2006 of the roll-out of Opal fuel in Alice Springs;
notes, with concern:
that misinformation about negative impacts of Opal fuel on car engines has caused a number of petrol stations to cease selling Opal fuel, and
the delay in the promised promotional campaign to support Opal fuel in Alice Springs; and
calls on the Federal Government to start to actively promote Opal fuel in Alice Springs immediately.

Senator Milne to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Senate—
notes that:
in regard to the promise by the Prime Minister (Mr Howard) in the 2004 election to protect 18,700 hectares of old-growth forest in the Styx and Florentine valleys, the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Minchin, stated in the Senate on 30 March 2006 that ‘It is absolutely outrageous to suggest that the Prime Minister has not honoured his promise. He is honouring his promises to the people of Tasmania in full. This was a major commitment to the people of Tasmania to achieve both the protection of vital forests and the protection of jobs...’,
Senator Minchin’s claims are contradicted by the admission by the Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation (Senator Abetz), as reported in the Mercury on 30 November 2006, that ‘not all the Upper Florentine Valley was protected as pledged during the 2004 election campaign’,
Senator Minchin’s statement is contradicted by the Government’s own literature about the outcome of the election promises, ‘The Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement: Fact sheet no. 3’ (May 2005), which admits the failure to meet the Prime Minister’s election promise because the protected areas in the Styx and Florentine contain ‘4,730 hectares of old-growth eucalypt against a target of 18,700 hectares’, and
the Federal Government is funding logging operations in the Styx and Upper Florentine valleys and publicly-funded road construction is planned to continue in the Upper Florentine; and
calls on the Government to immediately protect in full all areas that the Prime Minister promised to protect during the 2004 election.

Senator Nettle to move on the next day of sitting:

That the Senate—
notes that Australian citizen, Mr David Hicks has been detained for 1 822 days; and
calls on the Australian Government to ensure the release of Mr Hicks from Guantanamo Bay.

Senators Allison, Bob Brown, Bishop and Bartlett to move on the next day of sitting:

That the following bill be introduced: A Bill for an Act to prohibit the use, possession and manufacture of cluster munitions, and for related purposes. Cluster Munitions (Prohibition) Bill 2006.


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