Senate debates
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Paul Calvert (President) Share this | Hansard source
Pursuant to standing order 166, I present documents as listed below which were presented to me, the Deputy President and Temporary Chairmen of Committees since the Senate last sat. In accordance with the terms of the standing orders, the publication of the documents was authorised.
The list read as follows—
Operations of the Registered Health Benefits Organisations––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 12 December 2006, 9.14 am AEST).
National Blood Authority––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 12 December 2006, 10.29 am AEST).
CSS Board––Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 12 December 2006, 2.20 pm AEST).
PSS Board––Public Sector Superannuation Scheme––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 12 December 2006, 2.20 pm AEST).
Department of Finance and Administration—Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2006 (presented to the Deputy President on 14 December 2006, 1.14 pm AEST).
Maritime Industry Finance Company Limited––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 19 December 2006, 9.31 am AEST).
Productivity Commission––Report no. 38––Waste management (presented to the Deputy President on 19 December 2006, 2.47 pm AEST).
Medical Training Review Panel––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 20 December 2006, 9.34 am AEST).
Export Market Development Grants––List of grant recipients for 2005-06 (presented to the President on 20 December 2006, 12.05 pm).
Department of the Treasury––Tax expenditures statement 2006 (presented to the Deputy President on 21 December 2006, 9 am AEST).
Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002—National Health and Medical Research Council—NHMRC Licensing Committee—Report for the period 1 April to 30 September 2006 (presented to the Deputy President on 21 December 2006, 10.17 am AEST).
Administrative Review Council––Report for 2005-06 (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Barnett, on 22 December 2006, 9.40 am).
Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority––Report for 2003-04 (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Barnett, on 22 December 2006, 11.35 am).
Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority––Report for 2004-05 (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Barnett, on 22 December 2006, 11.35 am).
Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners) Act 2003—Quarterly report on the Government co-contribution scheme for the period 1 July to 30 September 2006 (presented to the Deputy President on 8 January 2007, 10.48 am AEST).
Airservices Australia—Corporate plan July 2006 to June 2011 (presented to the Deputy President on 10 January 2007, 2.43 pm AEST).
Freedom of Information Act 1982—Report for 2005-06 on the operation of the Act (presented to the Deputy President on 12 January 2007, 8.41 am AEST).
Torres Strait Regional Authority––Report for 2005-06 (presented to the Deputy President on 15 January 2007, 11.31 am AEST).
Migration Agents Registration Authority—Report for 2005-06 (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Forshaw, on 23 January 2007, 3.25 pm).
Centrelink and the Data-Matching Agency—Data-matching program—Report on progress 2005-06 (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Forshaw, on 29 January 2007, 10.50 am).
Freedom of Information Act 1982—Report for 2005-06 on the operation of the Act––Correction (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Barnett, on 1 February 2007, 11.34 am).
Gene Technology Regulator—Quarterly report for the period 1 July to 30 September 2006 (presented to the Deputy President on 5 February 2006, 11.38 am).
Reports of the Auditor-General
Report no. 15 of 2006-07––Financial Statement Audit––Audits of the financial statements of Australian Government entities for the period ended 30 June 2006 (presented to the Deputy President on 19 December 2006, 9.31 am AEST).
Report no. 16 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––Administration of capital gains tax compliance in the individuals market segment: Australian Taxation Office (presented to the Deputy President on 20 December 2006, 9.23 am AEST).
Report no. 17 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––Treasury’s management of international financial commitments—Follow-up audit: Department of the Treasury (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Barnett, on 23 January 2007, 10.26 am).
Report no. 18 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––ASIC’s processes for receiving and referring for investigation statutory reports of suspected breaches of the Corporations Act 2001: Australian Securities and Investments Commission (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Lightfoot, on 24 January 2007, 11.35 am WSTA).
Report no. 19 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––Administration of state and territory compliance with the Australian health care agreements: Department of Health and Ageing (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Troeth, on 25 January 2007, 12.23 pm).
Report no. 20 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––Purchase, chartering and modification of the New Fleet Oiler: Department of Defence and Defence Materiel Organisation (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Watson, on 30 January 2007, 11.05 am).
Report no. 21 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––Implementation of the revised Commonwealth procurement guidelines (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Hutchins, on 31 January 2007, 11.26 am).
Report no. 21 of 2006-07––Performance Audit––Implementation of the revised Commonwealth procurement guidelines––Corrigendum (presented to temporary chair of committees, Senator Barnett, on 1 February 2007, 2.10 pm).
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