Senate debates
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Aged Care Amendment (Security and Protection) Bill 2007
In Committee
9:09 pm
Claire Moore (Queensland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source
This was a particularly vexed part of the community consultations leading into our committee report, and it came up time and time again. Minister, I would hope that the monitoring process, which you have previously explained, will be part of the implementation of this legislation. Perhaps this particular issue could be itemised as part of the ongoing consideration. As this matter came up so consistently throughout the inquiry I would hope that, when people are looking at the kind of reviewing and monitoring that you have said will be part of this legislation, some consideration could be given to whatever guidelines or review processes are drawn up and that some work is done, particularly on this issue of working with people who are caught up in this process. That may in some way respond to the concern of a number of people who gave evidence to our committee who stated that one of the key issues of concern was how this would affect people’s citizenship rights and their own individual rights. At a time when we are trying to protect them, we are actually in some way minimising their own choice.
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