Senate debates
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Aged Care Amendment (Security and Protection) Bill 2007
In Committee
9:36 pm
Chris Ellison (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for Human Services) Share this | Hansard source
Perhaps I can ask a question of Senator Allison. The way the amendment is couched, it is relating to the protection of those who make a report. But by the way it is inserted in that section—and, indeed, the brief description given on the amendment sheet entitled ‘extension of reportable abuses’—I think it does give rise to what we are saying. What we are saying is that the Democrats propose to extend protections for disclosure beyond disclosures relating to the reporting of assaults to other conduct amounting to neglect or abuse of any kind. Is it the intention that that also mean that there is a mandatory reporting requirement for all abuse? Is that what the Democrats are intending? Or is this only about the protection? Can you see my point? This bill has mandatory reporting for sexual assault and serious physical assault. Coupled with that, there is a protection for whistleblowing in relation thereto. So with the relevant duty you have a reciprocal protection. The Democrats are purporting to extend the protection for disclosure beyond disclosures relating to those serious assaults I mentioned to other conduct—thereby implying that the mandatory reporting extends to that other conduct. If I can just ask Senator Allison that question, that might clarify my understanding of what her intention is.
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