Senate debates
Friday, 23 March 2007
Schools Assistance (Learning Together — Achievement Through Choice and Opportunity) Amendment Bill 2007
Second Reading
Debate resumed from 22 March, on motion by Senator Johnston:
That this bill be now read a second time.
upon which Senator Carr moved by way of amendment:
At the end of the motion, add: “whilst the Senate welcomes the additional funding for the Investing in Our Schools program, it notes that when making the announcement the Minister was silent on the change of criteria for government schools halfway through the life of the program and condemns the Government for:
- (a)
- leaving many government schools ineligible to apply for additional funds by reducing the funding cap from $150 000 to $100 000; and
- (b)
- failing to guarantee the future of the Investing in Our Schools program beyond the current funding round”.
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