Senate debates
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Questions without Notice
ExerciseTalisman Sabre
2:50 pm
Andrew Bartlett (Queensland, Australian Democrats) Share this | Hansard source
I thank the minister for his answer. Mr President, I ask a supplementary question. Is the minister aware that on Tuesday a group of seven peace protesters entered into the training zone and that there are reports that a further five have done so today? I inform the minister that I have spoken to some of the organisers of the peace actions outside the Talisman Sabre exercise zone. They have first-hand knowledge that those activists are there, but have told me that Defence currently still believes these claims to be a hoax and are proceeding with their firing regardless. Is the minister aware of any action on the part of Defence or on the part of the Minister for Defence to ensure that the safety of these protesters is not ignored?
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