Senate debates

Monday, 17 September 2007

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living

2:10 pm

Photo of Nigel ScullionNigel Scullion (NT, Country Liberal Party, Minister for Community Services) Share this | Hansard source

Had I attempted to answer the childcare, vegetables, affordability and interest rate questions, all contained in the one question, I do not think it would have been as useful as sticking to the central point of the question. The fundamental point relates to the capacity of individuals to continue to pay off their mortgages. Perhaps what we should look at is what the Reserve Bank has said. It has stated that about a quarter of owner-occupiers are more than a year ahead in their schedule of payments. That is a fact. I am not making any subjective point about that or about how Australians are doing. I acknowledge that it is difficult from time to time across many demographics, as historically it has been when you are buying your first home. That is the whole point about buying your first home: it can be difficult. But it is tremendous that the Reserve Bank factually estimates that fewer than one per cent of all home borrower households are more than 90 days behind in their repayments. I think that is a record of which to be proud. (Time expired)


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