Senate debates
Thursday, 14 February 2008
3:38 pm
Chris Evans (WA, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
by leave—I move:
That senators be appointed to committees as follows:
Appropriations and Staffing—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Faulkner, Lundy, Murray, Nash and Ray
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators Carol Brown, Campbell, Fierravanti-Wells and Parry
Australian Crime Commission—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators Barnett, Hutchins, Parry and Polley
Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators O’Brien and Parry
Community Affairs—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
Corporations and Financial Services—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators Boyce, Chapman, Kirk, Murray and Webber
Economics—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Humphries, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Birmingham, Bob Brown, Carol Brown, Fierravanti-Wells and Sterle
Environment, Communications and the Arts—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
Finance and Public Administration—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Bartlett, Bishop, Cormann, Eggleston, Fifield, Forshaw, Kirk, Sandy Macdonald, Moore, Stott Despoja, Trood and Webber
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
House—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Crossin, Hogg and Wortley
Intelligence and Security—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators Marshall and Ray
Legal and Constitutional Affairs—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne, Nettle and Siewert
Library—Standing Committee—
Discharged—Senator Payne
Appointed—Senators Allison, Hutchins, Kirk, Trood and Webber
Migration—Joint Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Bartlett, Eggleston, McEwen and Polley
National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Crossin, Humphries, Joyce, Lundy and Stott Despoja
Parliamentary Library—Joint Standing Committee—
Discharged—Senator Payne
Appointed—Senators Allison, Hutchins, Kirk, Trood and Webber
Privileges—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Hurley, McLucas, O’Brien and Ray
Procedure—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Faulkner, Hogg, Hurley, Ray
Publications—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Carol Brown, Marshall, Sterle and Wortley
Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators Bishop, Chapman, Hogg, Lundy, Murray and Watson
Public Works—Joint Statutory Committee—
Appointed—Senators Bishop, Forshaw and Troeth
Regulations and Ordinances—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Carol Brown, Moore and Wortley
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport—Standing Committee—
Senator Siewert
Participating members: Senators Bob Brown, Milne and Nettle
Scrutiny of Bills—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Bishop, McEwen and Ray
Selection of Bills—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Ludwig and Webber
Senators’ Interests—Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Forshaw, Kirk and Webber.
Treaties—Joint Standing Committee—
Appointed—Senators Bartlett, Birmingham, Bushby, Cormann, Marshall, Sterle and Wortley.
Question agreed to.
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