Senate debates
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities Committee; Establishment
4:19 pm
Andrew Bartlett (Queensland, Australian Democrats) Share this | Hansard source
by leave—Having corrected the record, I move:
- Omit paragraph (6), substitute:
- (6) That the chair of the committee be elected by and from the members of the committee, and in the absence of agreement on the election of a chair, duly notified to the President, the allocation of the chair be determined by the Senate.
- Omit paragraph (7), substitute:
- (7) That the Deputy chair of the committee being a member of a different party or group from the chair, be elected by and from the members of the committee immediately after the election of the chair.
Question negatived.
Question put:
That the motion (Senator Ellison’s), as amended, be agreed to.
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