Senate debates

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Murray-Darling River System; Renewable Energy; Workplace Relations

3:19 pm

Photo of Glenn SterleGlenn Sterle (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I withdraw and I will use ‘decimate’. They could decimate not only working conditions but also fairness and competition. Before I go any further, it is a crying shame that Senator Mary Jo Fisher from South Australia is not in the chamber, because Senator Fisher asked the question about Labor’s policy and Labor’s fairness in the workplace. If I am not mistaken, Senator Fisher worked for former Minister Reith, I think it was. What was former Minister Reith’s main claim to fame? I will tell you what it was—it was shutting down Australian wharves and Australian waterside workers some 11 years ago. The workers went to go to work and they were locked out, confronted by huge, overweight, steroid-pumped security guards with balaclavas and german shepherds. That was the Howard-Costello regime. That is the main claim to fame of Minister Reith. Senator Fisher, you should be ashamed. (Time expired)


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