Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Questions without Notice


2:33 pm

Photo of John FaulknerJohn Faulkner (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Cabinet Secretary) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the senator for his question. I am not sure that I can add a great deal to what I have said in outlining the government’s position on this important issue. The position of the government on this matter is clear. In relation to the comments made by the Russian ambassador, Mr Smith has made clear that he did not intend to get into a public debate with the Russian ambassador. The government wants to continue to see a strong relationship between Australia and Russia. The government recognises the potential benefits for Australia in the agreement. But I commend to you the qualifying comments I made in answer to Senator Trood’s earlier question.

I can say that the government will be taking into account the recent and ongoing events in Georgia and Australia’s bilateral relationship with Russia when it considers its approach to ratification of the agreement. I pointed out for the benefit of the Senate the comments that the former Minister for Foreign Affairs and the former Prime Minister made when this particular deal was signed. Perhaps Senator Trood, in asking his question, may regret not having those comments at the front of his mind. I think that Mr Smith’s approach on this issue has been very responsible and very appropriate in the circumstances and I would certainly commend it to you.


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